Open Swim for recreation and fitness swimming.
Basic level skills are reinforced, as more advanced skills are introduced in all apparatus: floor, vault, beam, and bars with an emphasis on building self-confidence, self-esteem, and body awareness. Class taught for all levels: beginner through intermediate with focus on completing USA Gymnastics Level 1 skills.
Lake Orion Enrichment Services in cooperation with STARZ Performing Arts offers recreational children’s gymnastics lessons. There are three sessions: fall, winter, and spring. Join us for one, two, or all three sessions; yearlong students in the program receive a trophy in June. Participants should wear leotards or fitness clothing (no jeans) and bring a water bottle. CERC provides a quiet waiting area in the main lobby where parents will remain during the class. A formal “Olympics” will be presented to the parents and guests on the last week to demonstrate skills and progress.
No Class Feb 18
Online registration is over
No Class Feb 19